Leverage innoscripta to instill R&D transparency across your multinational landscape.


Over 2,000 companies have chosen innoscripta to safeguard their R&D investments.


Discover Our Effect

Seamlessly create and manage projects across hundreds of global entities, while efficiently navigating governmental R&D tax incentives. Don’t miss any opportunity slip through; streamline your global R&D operations.

The innoscripta Effect

We receive complex and varied data from clients, which can be challenging and time-consuming to sort and organize.

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We help you overcome the major modern R&D management challenges

We make sure your sensitive data is secure

Digital R&D processes amplify security breach risks and threaten all you are working for. Our software follows latest security standards like two-factor-authentication and much more which makes sure your data is safe.

No more outdated software solutions

Our software is always up to date and reacts to the latest requirements and developments. Because updated software doesn’t hinder innovation.

One seamless system for efficient R&D

To avoid inefficient software connections that lead to disorganized and duplicative efforts, all of our apps work together seamlessly.

No more knowledge fragmentation

Our interconnected apps and easy to read dashboards will give you all the information you need when you need it. All in one system. And the dashboards are freely customizable to perfectly support what you are doing.

Structured documentation

If you are working in a partially digitalized environment or use fragmented solutions, there is a good chance that your documentation is unstructured and disorganized. Our system offers state of the art task management with a built in, easy to use comment system clearly to structure documentation with a clear timeline.

Interconnected data instead of data silos

Thanks to our 360° app ecosystem, we are able to offer one interconnected system, where every app can take full advantage of all available data. This means that you always have the full picture in front of you.

Plan projects, calculate costs, optimize subsidies

Our advanced project planning tool based on international standards and best practices allows you to make a project plan for your R&D ventures and precisely estimate funding and project costs

Our R&D app ecosystem offers a 360° solution for all your needs

You can use our interconnected web apps which all work together or decide to use them individually tailored around your needs. Read below what features each app offers and how it helps you with your workflow.